Article 1: Organising company

LVMH FRAGRANCE BRANDS, a simplified joint stock company (SAS) under the laws of France, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 572 082 253 whose registered office is located at 1, rue Pasquier, 92300 Levallois, France, (hereinafter referred to as "the Organising Company"), is organising for its Givenchy Beauty brand a worldwide casting called “Gentleman Society Challenge” (hereinafter the “Casting”), from 14 March 2023 to 21 April 2023 included, worldwide, in accordance with the terms and conditions described in these rules (hereinafter the “Rules”).

The candidates selected at the end of the Casting will take part, as models performing their art, in the next digital advertising campaign for the franchise of Gentleman Society perfumery products by Givenchy Beauty which, at the time of writing, is scheduled for release between June and July 2023 (date subject to change by the Organising Company).

This Casting is neither managed nor sponsored by TikTok or Instagram. All information that you provide is collected exclusively by the Organising Company for the sole purpose of your participation in the Casting and will not be disclosed to TikTok or Instagram under any circumstances.

Article 2: Acceptance of the rules

Participation in the Casting implies the candidates’ unreserved acceptance of these rules in their entirety, the applicable rules of good conduct on the Internet, the general terms and conditions of use of the TikTok and Instagram websites and the rules applicable to competitions.

Article 3: Terms and conditions of participation

3.1 This Casting is open to any natural person who is of legal age (18 y/o) on the date of registration for the Casting, members of TikTok (who have published the content publicly) and/or Instagram (with a public page, i.e. whose content is accessible to all Internet users registered on Instagram) social networks. Staff members of the Organising Company and their households (same name, same address) are excluded.

Candidates may participate alone, in pairs or in group up to 5 persons, on the express condition that all of the participants have given their consent to participate under the conditions set out below.

Candidates wishing to take part must be available between May-June 2023 (months in which the winners will take part in the filming of the promotional film, as referred to in article 6 of the Rules). They will be informed of the exact dates if they are selected.

3.2 Moderation charter

Participants shall refrain from publishing content of any kind that:
⇒ Is contrary or likely to be contrary to public order, good morals or the laws and regulations in force.
In this regard, prohibited content includes, but is not limited to:

  • Contributions of a violent, disparaging, defamatory, illicit, obscene, pornographic or paedophilic nature,
  • Contributions that are politically motivated or incite hatred, violence or suicide, or are otherwise legally reprehensible,
  • Contributions of a racist, anti-semitic or homophobic nature,
  • Contributions defending war crimes or crimes against humanity,
  • Contributions inciting murder or the commission of crimes,
  • Contributions inciting discrimination or hatred,
  • Contributions inciting the use of banned substances, excessive or inappropriate alcohol consumption, or advocating drunkenness,
  • Contributions likely to undermine respect for human beings and their dignity, physical integrity, gender equality and the protection of children and adolescents,
  • Links to external sites whose content may contravene current laws and regulations in France,
  • Contributions calling for a boycott,

⇒ Is insulting, rude or vulgar.
⇒ Infringes or is likely to infringe the rights of third parties and personality rights.

In this regard, prohibited content includes, but is not limited to:

  • Contributions reproducing without permission a work or a contribution protected by intellectual property rights (trademarks, copyright and related rights) or rights applicable to databases,
  • Contributions that infringe the right to an image, the right to privacy and, in particular, any photograph representing third parties without their permission,
  • Contributions that infringe the personal data protection rights of a third party,

Contributions reproducing without permission a work or a contribution protected by intellectual property rights (trademarks, copyright and related rights) or rights applicable to databases,
Contributions that infringe the right to an image, the right to privacy and, in particular, any photograph representing third parties without their permission,
Contributions that infringe the personal data protection rights of a third party,

More generally, infringes any other legislative or regulatory provision in force.
⇒ Infringes or is likely to infringe on the privacy, image or reputation of a trademark, an intellectual and/or industrial property right, a copyright, a third party right and, more generally, the rights of any natural or legal person
It should be noted that all content may be moderated retrospectively, i.e. it may be deleted after it has been put online without the prior authorization or notification of the participants, in the event of complaints from third parties and/or if the videos and any messages concerned do not comply with the regulations in force, our Charter and/or these Rules.

Article 4: How to register

Registration is done exclusively on the social networks TikTok and/or Instagram.

A call for participation will be posted on the Organising Company's TikTok and Instagram pages by Givenchy Beauty brand ambassadors asking participants to share, from 9:30 am French time on 14 March 2023 to midnight (23:59) French time 21 April 2023, on the TikTok and/or Instagram social networks, a video of no more than 50 seconds, showing the participant himself or in a group up to 5 persons, showing their talent or performance.

Videos must be posted with the tags @GIVENCHYBEAUTY and the following hashtags #givenchybeauty , #gentlemansociety and JOIN THE #GENTLEMANSOCIETY

All videos must comply with the moderation charter set out in article 3.2.

Participants filming themselves with other persons as part of a group, must obtain written permissions of all persons the group beforehand and send them to the Organising Company.

Any video that contravenes these rules will be deleted and will not be taking into account as participation for the Challenge.

Article 5: Selection stages and participation in the Casting

Registration for candidates is open from 9:00 am French time on 14 March 2023 to midnight (23:59) French time on 21 April 2023.

Only the applications of candidates who have posted their video before the closing date for registration will be considered.

Any entry that is incomplete or inaccurate and/or does not comply with the terms and conditions set out in Article 4 of these Rules will not be taken into account and will render the entry null and void.

1-Pre-selection stage

The Organising Company will pre-select up to 30 participations based on the following criteria:

  • The correct reproduction and explanation of their talent and/or performance of the participant
  • The respect of the formats of each realization,
  • The requested mentions on the Instagram or TikTok Posts as mentioned in Article 4
  • Quality,

Pre-selected candidates will be notified via the private messaging service via each Givenchy Beauty official social network before the Casting and will be invited to the selection phase, in the form of a casting, which will be held by videoconference.

As from 28 April 2023, all Participants who have not been contacted should consider their participation to have been unsuccessful.

2-Selection / Casting stage

The selection stage will be in the form of a casting held via videoconference by the Organising Company with the pre-selected candidates and will take place from 30 April 2023 to 14 May 2023.

The notification will indicate the dates of the casting and will offer several slots of up to 45 minutes in which the videoconference which will take place. The videoconference will consist on an interview and on a demonstration of the talent / performance of the chosen participant.

Candidates must therefore be sure to have the appropriate equipment for this videoconference and be available at the agreed date and time. In case of a group participation, all members of the group must be present, all together and at the same time during the casting.

After the interviews during the Casting, the panel of judges composed of representatives of the Organising Company will meet to choose up to 15 winners (single candidates or groups) based on the interviews made during the Casting.

The winners will be selected by a panel of judges composed of:

  • The Marketing Director of the Organising Company
  • The President of the Organising Company
  • The Digital Team of the Organising Company

The selection will be made according to the Participant(s) personality(ies) and how at ease he/she or they was/were during the Casting, particularly in front of a camera, the proposed talent/performance, the Participant(s) affinity with the image of the Givenchy Beauty advertising campaign, etc.

The winners will be notified using the contact details provided.

Article 6: Prize

The winners will represent, as model talents, the Givenchy Beauty brand in one of its upcoming advertising campaigns for the Gentleman Society Franchise.

To this end, they will each sign a contract with a modelling agency selected by the Organising Company. All contracts will be made directly through this agency.

The winners will take part in the shooting of a video advertisement, scheduled for May/June 2023. The final date will be defined by the Organising Company and the date may be subject to modification by the Organising Company at it sole discretion. They will be informed of the date and location of the shoot at a later date by the casting director.

The prize has no commercial value.

Article 7: Image rights and rights of use

7.1 Rights relating to videos posted on TikTok and/or Instagram

The Participant warrants that he, she or they is/are the author(s) of the video and/or has all intellectual property rights over it, and has the full permission of any third parties participating.

All Participants, whether or not they have been selected, authorize the Organising Company to reproduce and broadcast on any Internet medium, including social networks, the video posted, in part or in full, for inclusion in a compilation containing a selection of videos from among all the entries submitted, for a period of one year from June 2023, without any remuneration or other consideration.

The Participants authorize the Organising Company to communicate, reproduce and broadcast on any Internet medium, including social networks, the image of the candidates as it appears on the videos sent, as well as the first name, surname and/or alias, for a period of one (1) year as from June 2023, without any remuneration or other consideration.

The Participants give their consent for the videos reproduced or broadcast on the TikTok and Instagram pages of the Organising Company for the authorized usage period to be kept online in the news feeds as archives after this period. It is understood that they may not be published again.

These permissions will allow the Organising Company to make any additions, modifications and/or deletions to the initial depiction of the image of the participants in the videos as it deems necessary, provided that they do not lead to any alteration of the attributes of the personality of the participants and do not harm their honour or reputation.

These permissions are an essential condition for participating in this Casting and the participants acknowledge having read and accepted them.

7.2 Rights related to the video advertisement

Each of the winners undertakes to sign a contract for services and model usage rights with a model agency selected by the Organising Company, authorising the Organising Company and its subsidiaries to use their image in the digital video advertisement made during shooting, which will take place in May/June 2023, for its Gentleman Society digital advertising campaign broadcast from June 2023. These dates are subject to change by the Organising Company.

Thus, each of the winners undertakes to give the Organising Company, via the model agency, the necessary permissions to enable it to use their image in the Gentleman Society video advertisement (on any digital medium and at points of sale, media, digital media, property of the Organising Company or of its commercial affiliates, media buying for a period of one (1) year from the first commercial use, worldwide, for a consideration of 2,000 Euros in exchange for the service provided and the transfer of rights relating thereto). The conditions of this authorization will be laid out in detail in the contract drawn up by the model agency.

These permissions will allow the Organising Company to make any additions, modifications and/or deletions to the initial depiction of the image of the winners in the videos as it deems necessary, provided that they do not lead to any alteration of the attributes of the personality of the winners and do not harm their honour or reputation. This authorization will also include permission to use several versions or montages made from the videos shot.

The Organising Company does not guarantee to the winners of the Challenge that they will be recognizable on the final cut of the digital video advertisement.

These permissions are an essential condition for participating in this Casting and the participants acknowledge having read and accepted them.

Article 8: Expenses incurred during filming

The Organising Company will cover:

  • The winners’ travel expenses for filming. This includes transport from the winner's place of residence to the filming location, to be determined depending on the location.
  • Accommodation for the winner in a hotel of the Organising Company's choosing, if filming lasts more than one day and the winner does not reside in the city where it takes place.
  • Meals during shooting and any meals at the hotel.

All other costs shall be borne by the winner.

The dates and times of transport will be set by the Organising Company, depending on the dates of the filming, to allow the winner to be present on the filming date and, if necessary, to leave the following day. Under no circumstances may the winner request a change of travel dates or change in the type of ticket the Organising Company purchased.

Article 9: Liability of the Organising Company

The Organising Company reserves the right to shorten, extend, modify or cancel the Casting or to change the prize if a force majeure event or exceptional circumstances beyond its control require so. It cannot be held liable for this. However, notification of such changes will, as far as possible, be given by all appropriate means.

The Organising Company may not be held liable and no action may be taken against it in case of any event bearing the characteristics of force majeure (strikes, bad weather, pandemic, etc.) that partially or totally prevents the Participants from taking part in the Casting and/or filming.

In the current context of the COVID-19 and its variants health crisis, the Participants declare that they have been informed that COVID-19 or any other epidemic may have an impact on the progress of this Casting, particularly with regard to the selection of the winners and shooting of the video advertisement which, at the time of writing, is set to take place in May / June 2023 in France.

Under these circumstances, in the event of difficulties resulting from the said virus or any other epidemic, and particularly in the event of curfew measures, confinement, travel restrictions, border closures, etc., imposed in certain countries, making it impossible to film under normal conditions, the Organising Company reserves the right, in the first instance, to postpone the planned filming dates, and/or to change the location/city/country of filming.

The Participants are thus informed that any winner may lose the benefits of his/her/their prize and thus his/her/their participation in the filming, which may then be awarded to another pre-selected participant, in the following cases:

  • Where a winner resides in a country facing such measures and would be unable to travel to the filming location,
  • Where a winner is unavailable on the new scheduled filming dates,
  • Where a winner tests positive to COVID-19 in the days prior to filming, depending on the rules in force at the time of filming.

In any case, all candidates must strictly comply with the health protocol put in place by the Organising Company before and during the filming of the video advertisement.

Furthermore, the Organising Company cannot be held liable for any material or immaterial damage caused to the Participant(s), to his/her/their computer equipment or to the data stored therein, or for any consequences on his/her/their personal, professional or business activity.

Furthermore, the Organising Company cannot be held liable if one or more Participants are unable to connect to the sites concerned due to any technical fault or any problem linked to network congestion, or where the Organising Company is unable to contact the Participant for technical reasons.

The Organising Company cannot be held liable for the physical inability of the winners to take a plane and/or to travel to the filming location because their papers are not in order (lack of visa, lack of passport or expired passport, non-valid passport, etc.).

Article 10: Personal data

10.1. Data processed, grounds and purposes of processing

In the context of your participation in the competition, the Organising Company, which is responsible for processing, will need to collect and process your personal data (hereinafter, your “Data”).

These Data include: your surname, first name, email address and telephone number.

These Data are either necessary for your participation in the competition or are collected on the basis of your explicit consent.

Your Data is collected in order to:

  • manage your participation in the competition and, if necessary, the awarding of your prize(s);
  • if necessary, promote the competition and our House (see article 7.1 of the Rules).

The Data required by the Organising Company for your participation in the competition is indicated by an asterisk in the data protection form. If you do not fill in these mandatory fields, you will not be able to take part in the competition organised by the Organising Company. Other information is optional and allows us to know you better and to improve our communications and services to you.

10.2 Recipients of the Data

Your Data will be processed by the Organising Company. They will not be transferred or made accessible to any third party except for (i) any subcontractors of the Organising Company for the sole purpose of organising and managing the competition and (ii) any restructuring of the Organising Company, including a total or partial transfer of assets, merger, absorption, acquisition, demerger and more generally any reorganisation operation.

10.3 Your rights

In accordance with applicable regulations, you have a right to access and correct your Data, as well as the right to request their erasure, object to processing and request the restriction of processing and the right to data portability to the extent applicable.

These rights may be exercised directly with the Organising Company by email at or by post to LVMH Fragrance Brands, Jeu Irrésistible Challenge, 1, rue Pasquier, 92300 Levallois-Perret. Proof of identity may be required.

Furthermore, you may opt out of receiving communications about our offers, news and events at any time by following the link provided in every email we send you. You can also contact us by post at LVMH Fragrance Brands, Jeu Irrésistible Challenge, 1, rue Pasquier, 92300 Levallois-Perret.

10.4 Storage period of your Data

Your Data that are collected and processed by the Organising Company will be kept only for the duration of the competition and for the period of time necessary to award the prize(s) to the winner(s). They will then be destroyed, subject, where applicable, to the provisions of the paragraph on the assignment of your image rights.

10.5. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) and the right to lodge a complaint

For any questions relating to the collection and processing of your Data by the Organising Company, you may contact the Organising Company's Data Protection Officer by email at

You also have the right to refer any complaint relating to the way in which the Organising Company collects and processes your Data to the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL), 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

Article 11: Application of the Rules – filing

Participation in the Casting implies full and complete acceptance by the Participant of the Rules, the Casting procedure and the laws, regulations and other texts applicable in France.

The Rules are filed with the bailiff’s office of Raynald PARKER and Raphaël PERROT, 7 avenue de la Grande Armée, 75116 PARIS, and are available on the website

They will be sent free of charge to anyone who sends a request to the following address: LVMH Fragrance Brands, “Jeu Gentleman Society Challenge”, 1, rue Pasquier, 92300 Levallois-Perret, within one month of the Casting end date (the La Poste postmark will be taken as proof).

In the event of a discrepancy between the version of the Rules filed with the bailiff and the version of the Rules available online, the version filed with the bailiff will prevail in all cases. Likewise, the version filed with the bailiff is authentic with regard to the information disclosed on the Page that conflicts with the Rules.

These Rules will apply from the date of publication online.



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